Mondays 1pm to 3pm
8th January
15th January
22nd January
29th January
5th February

£28 per workshop
Or £135 for all 5 workshops.

Whether you are beginning or a pro, this course will allow you to develop your knowledge and skills in printing and have fun whilst doing so! 

We cover a wide range of printing techniques but we also want to help you develop your own ideas!  Mono screen printing; Stencil screen printing; Lino cut printing; Blott printing; Gelli Plate Printing – they’re all so beautiful.

All equipment and materials provided. Feel free to bring any objects, photographs or materials you would like you work with or from and join us in this relaxed, creative environment. Please do bring found objects from nature and around you to use to print and be inspired by.  ALL ages and abilities WELCOME! 

Printing is one of the most beautifully instant art forms there is.  No matter how many ‘happy mistakes’ you make it always turns out beautifully!  What are you waiting for?

To book any of our workshops please book via eventbrite.

 Please see more information on the people behind Arty Farty Retreat, and our refund policy.