Day Retreats

Creative Unblocker Day Retreat

Sunday 28th April 2024
10am to 4pm
£89 per person

Staring at a blank page? Wanting to start a new body of work? Been to lots of workshops? Learnt lots of skills and techniques? Now not sure what to do? Be led through an incredibly inspiring day to unblock your creativity!

Find out where to go next with your work and get exploring where your creativity is going to come from. Throughout the day we will be creating with different prompts, talking through where we get our inspiration from, how we consistently create, discussing our work as a group and making plans for the future. Lots of advice and exercises given to start those creative juices flowing again. We invite you with an open mind and ready to have fun with your creativity!

Snacks, drinks and lunch all included and only 8 spaces available for this very exclusive retreat! You can book via eventbrite here.

Please see more information on the people behind Arty Farty Retreat, and our refund policy.

Weekend Retreats

Weekend Retreats
A few times throughout the year we organise long weekend retreats in various venues around the UK. The weekend includes art workshops, food and drink and the opportunity to access some wellbeing therapies. Perfect for that need to get away, celebrate or just try something new!

Your Creative Weekend Retreat

Sat 17th and Sunday 18th February 2024
10am to 5pm both days.

A whole weekend to lose yourself in creativity! Book out this artist’s date with yourself to learn, experiment and find inspiration to create.

Day 1
We’re going to spend the morning playing with different materials and different sizes of work, drawing inspiration from local artists you may not have yet discovered.
In the afternoon we will be learning the joy of a sketchbook, and how useful they can be in your creative practice. You will be gifted your very own sketchbook and should the weather allow we’ll try and get out and about!

Day 2
We’ll start the day with a life drawing practice with a nude model, using unexpected materials to draw with. And then move our pieces on into 3D form in the afternoon, learning the beauty of pottering with ceramics!

Each day will start with refreshments and snacks, have a hearty nourishing lunch and finish with coffee!

There is also the option of booking yourself a 30m head massage appointment on the first day – just so we’re looking after your whole wellbeing!! This add on option in available when you book.

Only 8 spaces available for this very exclusive retreat! You can book via eventbrite here.

Please see more information on the people behind Arty Farty Retreat, and our refund policy.

Please sign up to our e-news if you would like to know when our next retreats are or contact us directly over on the How to Find Us page.