Wednesday 30th November
7pm to 9pm
I’m Victoria creator of Bumble and Bloom Crafts and have been quilling since I was about 10 on and off. I was first introduced to it at a craft fair held at the Assembly Hall where I bought my first kit.
Quilling is the art of curling paper and creating shapes with it by manipulating the curls. It gives a great 3D effect and is a great form of media to us anyway you like. It has been around for hundreds of years to decorate books, cabinets and panels. This was a similar art form for the upper classes as needlework.
You will learn the basics of quilling and get to create some wonderful cards for you loved ones.
Click here to book via eventbrite. Alternatively you can ring 07792 033 156, or email nell@artyfartyretreat.co.uk.