Saturday 16th April

10am to 12pm

Ages 7 and up

£20 per person

Are you desperate to tell a story but cannot get the details on paper, struggling with plot, structure or presentation?

We’ll be teaching you all the skills you need to make your imagination come to life!

You never know where your creative writing will take you

To book any of our workshops please book online via Eventbrite or email

 Please see more information on the people behind Arty Farty Retreat, our covid-19 policy and updates, and our refund policy. you feel your child would benefit from one of our workshops but can’t afford it, please contact us. We have a pay it forward scheme and would hate for anyone to miss out on the benefit of creativity because of financial issues. Equally if you are able to pay it forward for someone else to benefit from our workshops, please get in touch.